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This book is a guide and inspiration for those who feel love and passion for the martial arts and special attraction for the Ninpo arts (Ninjutsu) and Budo Taijutsu. It helps you to find a real value in the martial arts you practice. The world of Ninpo is fascinating and elevates us to another status, invites us to grow internally and to gain that internal power pursued by many people through the training and understanding of the NIN philosophy. Discover how the Ninja is one who develops an unmovable spirit, hardens his mind and body, not surrendering before a loss or shame, and who rises above any obstacles to achieve his goals in life. Subjects covered in this fine book include Bowing, Body conditioning, Meditation, Kuji Kiri, taking ukemi, Kihon Happo, joint locks, special in-depth section on shuriken, sword, postures, silent walking skills, and even how to choose a good teacher.


Readers Reviews:


This book (Ninja Blade Under Heart) is a simple and to-the-point reading about ninjutsu, yet it contains a lot of useful and interesting information whether you are into martial arts or just trying to learn something new. If you are one of those who thought that this art was what many films have been trying to show since the eighties, you will be surprised after only a few pages. The author - Ricardo Zapata, Shidoshi, displays his deep knowledge and experience, and you can only wish you could learn a lot more from him. Having the chance, I would have no doubts of signing up for lessons.


Luis Segrera
Florida - USA


Ninja Corazón sobre la espada es un libro que te brinda herramientas para disfrutar esta experiencia de vida, yo tomaría la siguiente frase para resumir lo que significo esta experiencia de lectura para mi: Shikin Haramitsu Daikomio, esta no es más que el resumen de la vida de un verdadero guerrero, ese que a través de cada uno de los estímulos que percibe del entorno que le rodea es capaz de ir mas allá de sus capacidades, cruza el rio de la vida a través de la iluminación que yace en nuestro interior que se consigue a través de los tres corazones (Sanshin) cuerpo mente y espíritu, cada una es un complemento del otro y no deber verse como elementos separados por el contrario hay que buscar la manera como entrelazarlos para sacar el máximo provecho en nuestra experiencia de vida, ser uno con uno mismo, ser conocedor de nuestras fortalezas y debilidades, ser un constante guardián de lo que se origina desde nuestro pensamientos, ser un controlador de nuestras palabras y acciones que crearan nuestro destino, de todo lo anterior dependerá que tan bueno o malo sea nuestra experiencia de vida, todo se da desde el origen que labra nuestro destino. Muchas Gracias Sensei Ricardo por ser un verdadero Guía de crecimiento para cada uno de nosotros!

Cristian Ortega


"Ninja, Corazón bajo la Espada”, una excelente obra escrita por Ricardo Zapata, Shidoshi, muy didáctica y entera, lo lleva a uno de la mano desde los orígenes del Ninjutsu, el nacimiento de Bujinkan, las Escuelas, Junan Taiso (ejercicios de flexibilidad y alistamiento del cuerpo), etc. hasta técnicas importantes dentro del entrenamiento de este bello arte. Considero este libro como un texto de referencia y ayuda para el practicante así como una guía muy completa para quien decide practicar el Ninjutsu de Soke Hatsumi. Es libro no debe faltar en la biblioteca de todo buyu (practicante), yo lo leo y lo releo por su fascinante contenido. Espero que lo disfruten. Saludos desde Bujinkan Guatemala.

Rafael González


A great book (Ninja Blade Under Heart) that will help any body with training tips, the only one i have read with a nice and real description about shurikens and boshis, it shows the love of Shidoshi for the ninpo, and with his experience shows how direct is the transfer of knowladge from the grand master to his students, and tells the path that thousands of people follow through the martial arts until they find this beautifull art.The first of 3 books and more that Shidoshi will write; a great introduction to the art of ninjutsu.


Jorge Herrera


Awesome book! Very realistic training, tons of good pictures, and easy to read! This book is a must for every Ninja's library! A treasure for the Master, serious student, and the weekend Ninja too!.


Benjamin Kitaura


The author of this book Shidoshi Ricardo Zapata is a great martial artist and he represents the art of Ninjutsu Budo Taijutsu in the way it should be represented to the outer world including it's inner Ninpo aspects as well as taijutsu and weapons. Although I have read many books and watched hundreds of videos about the subject Ricardo's book still offered me lots of new insights I have not seen anywhere else. It will not make justice for the book to call it basic, although it has demonstrations about many basic techniques. In the book taijutsu in it's nature is fundamental but the author represents much higher subjects about the art as well and it's philosophy that far exceeds the basic part of our art. I am very proud to say that in International Bujinkan Dojo Association (where I also am part of) has such teachers like Shidoshi Ricardo Zapata with that much deep information about the do and the way of the warrior.

Michael Aalto



I think that this book is really good and I recommend it to everyone. No matter what color your belt is, read this book! It has lots of pictures and the text is easy to read.



Liisa Aalto




El libro Ninja, Corazón bajo la Espada (NINJA, BLADE UNDER HEART) es un gran libro de cabecera para quien esta interesado en el camino de la Bujinkan y el verdadero espíritu del Ninjutsu. El libro nos muestra la forma de interiorizar bien las técnicas, además que los comentarios de Shidoshi Ricardo Zapata como autor son enriquecedores para cada tema siendo una lectura fresca y agradable, que nos sirve de referente para leer y volver a leer como una maravillosa herramienta para nuestros entrenos y para nuestra vida como Budokas.


Gerardo Monroy

Cali - Calombia


Me encanto, es un libro fácil de leer, muy ilustrativo y fácil de entender. Me aclaró muchas dudas y me encanto saber que la filosofia del ninjutsu está totalmente acorde con la mia y mis principios de vida, ahora estoy totalmente convencido de que este es el arte marcial perfecto para mi. Gracias Shidoshi por compartir estas enseñanzas con nosotros.

Luis Montoya

Cali - Calombia


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